Saturday 28 May 2011

Serve Creatively

God is the creator; we think he made people to be creative too.  After all, we are created in his image!  So we try to approach our work with imagination and innovation.
We use art a lot.  Martin is a capable visual artist; his paintings and drawing invite people into more.  Lesley gets involved in visual art too in her own way.  We try to write an speak aesthetically.  We use drama, role-play and mime whenever we can.  Music is one of the arts more commonly used in Christian activity and we try not to neglect it!  Our children try to keep us up to date. 
We love the flow of ideas that happens when we 'do art'. 
If you follow this blog you'll see more about how we use the arts.

Creativity is more than using art and different media.  It's being willing to clear the slate and imagine doing something as if it has never been done before.  It's going back to basics and being inventive.  We hope to always be developing, always learning, always discovering in the way we serve God and his people.

Boring?  What's that?

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