Monday 20 February 2012

Morning Moonlighting

Every now and again we moonlight. Lesley or Martin do a paid school activity, or Martin illustrates a manual for an NGO...that sort of thing...there is a gap between what we get and what we need every month, and God always comes through with some or other way of providing for us. Sometimes it's by an unexpected gift...and sometimes by the provision of tentmaking tasks within one or other of our varied fields of competence

Lesley working on her real job - preparing materials for teaching the Bible. She is currently working on a 100 sentence summary of the whole Bible:)

This morning Lesley started a temporary part-time job as PA to the HOD of the Chemical Engineering Department at UCT. She is helping out while they look around for a new full-time PA

Her first reactions:
  • work by 0800 is a trifle extreme
  • xxxx unanswered emails!
  • systems in a mess (anathema for a chemical engineer)
  • not fascinating, but not unpleasant
  • good coffee for coffee breaks

Lesley returns to UCT after many years - to a new chem eng building and in an unexpected way!

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