Monday, 10 September 2012

Getting ready for Earth Dance

At the spring eqinox every year more than 10,000 alternative lifestyle and faithstyle people gather to dance for 72 hours, pray for world peace, and generally celebrate the turning of the seasons.  They camp in a vast tented village and share food 
Lesley and I are going too this year.

It's an interesting story.  I taught a course on evangelism at Bible Institute last year, and one of my students asked me if I could possibly join him on an expedition back into what had once been his world.  Sure, I said.  Good idea.  THis student had been very strongly influenced by a young Christian woman who had spent time with him and his friends, the only Christian he had ever met who took the trouble to cross over into his world of recreational drugs and non-mainstream culture.  He wants to do the same for others - just be around and available to talk.

So that is the very loose plan of action.  A few of us will camp together and create an informal meeting space under a canopy.  I will paint a large picture intertwining the story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation with scenes from the occasion.  We will meet people, talk and share our food.  And see what God does.

We bought a pot to make enough lentil stew...just getting it fired up and cleaned, ready for use!

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