Sunday, 30 December 2012

Lesley has a go at lecturing

Lesley has been recruited to teach a course in Information Literacy at Cornerstone Institute!

It is a small course - worth two credits, only - but it is one of those critical areas that impact on everything else students try and do.  This is one of Cornerstone's attempts to level the educational playing field, by empowering students from a background of bad education to compete at tertiary level with others from top-end schooling.

And although it is a small course it is taking serious effort from Lesley to get it up and running before she returns to her PA work next week.  SHe has to craft two Saturday morning workshops, and a good pedagogic script for running the evaluations and input through online study...all well within her capacity, but a challenge nonetheless.

The outcome of the course is that students will be able to do research and record their findings acceptibly - not at all a simple goal, in our experience of hosting students and all the informal work we have had to do with them.  New students do not automatically know how to use an index, or even a table of contents...let alone believe in the importance of academic citation protocols!  Go Lesley!

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