Monday 7 October 2013

Earthdance: Seed in the Mud

It rained.  There was snow on the mountains and mid-calf deep mud.  And four thousand trance dancers danced the weekend away nevertheless. They are obviously breeding a new sort of City Toughness!

Thank you for your prayers.  Our team held together well - good working together, good contacts with all sorts of people, many opportunities to speak about God the creator of mud and music :)

The fruit and water were gratefully received, so many thanks to everybody who contributed fruit and finances for making this little counter-cultural venture work! 

One encouraging aspect was the number of people who recognised us from Flamjangled Teaparty earlier in the year.  About half a dozen people?  Nobody that seemed to recognise us from last year's Earthdance though.  Still, that presence-over-time element is an important part of what we are setting out to establish

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