Wednesday, 13 November 2013

heads on our coffee table

"Why," you ask, "does your coffee table look like the trophy room of a head-hunting warrior?"
"What a silly question," I reply; "doesn't yours?"

The true story is that Martin is in the process of making puppets.  There have to be 18 of them by Tuesday 19th November, and today is Wednesday 13th!

"The point?" you ask.
"There needs to be a reason?" I respond.

Actually there is a reason.

Every year for four years Martin wrote, directed and staged managed a Christmas play starring on of our church Bible study groups.  There have been four "journeys" to Bethlehem: taxi (South African minibus taxi), train, ship and spaceship.  Last year the arrangements went haywire and there wasn't one. 

This year there will be puppets.

The important thing about this is: all the members of the group have severe cerebral palsy.  So few can speak, and those that can need straightforward parts, some need to be told what to say before they say it.  No one can move about the room much at all.  Not many want to dress up.  Quite a few can't hold anything or move with any acuracy.  But, though some are childlike, many have adult thoughts and ideas.  Everyone wants a part. 

So the past four times there were a lot of different ways of making a noise appropriate to the mechanics of the journey ... including a hooter with a battery operated by a button!  This year it is going to be puppets designed to be held and activated by people who can't do much.

Please pray for: The paper mache heads and hands.  The sewing which will have to happen for the "bodies".  The mechanisms mostly basic stick-puppets with modifications.  (I can see that I will have to do my bit here too or they will never get finished.)  The script!!!

Most important pray that people will be touched by Jesus as they "äct" and as they attend.  We hope it will be a rollicking celebration of Jesus love for everyone.

PS our lounge as usual is NOT a pretty sight

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