Monday 13 April 2015


Settling into our new half-house home has been good.  We love being on hand for Martin's mom and dad.  We think Mom has adjusted to having a smaller space and people so invasively close; she definitely enjoys having someone on hand and a little help with some of life's responsibilities.  We want to make sure she gets to church every second week while someone stays with Dad.  We need wisdom when to help and when to leave.

In December I (Lesley) had the privilege of going to a big Engineering Education Forum in Dubai where I received an award in memory of my brother Duncan and his awesome contribution to the field.

Martin's latest leisure project is puppet creation.  One of his work projects is his PhD - he has completed his pilot study and is ready to interview a large number of Methodist ministers.

Lesley's latest "leisure" project is masters studies.  This means giving up painting and writing for now!

Lesley still works at UCT part time.
Martin teaches at three (sometimes four) different theological organisations.
We work on our "Outsiders - Urban Spiritual Life" project which is integrating more into the life of Claremont Methodist Church again.

Joanna and Adam live next door and we do a lot of community living.
Charis lives in the UK and has had a very hard year.

Hopefully I will be better about news ...

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