Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Moonlighting: ENT, microorganisms, Father Christmas and other stories

What is our "real" job?  What is our "day job"?

This is not a question to engage with lightly!

An easier question might be: Where does the money come from?  I mean, we do eat.  What we do uses resources like computers and cell phones as well as stationery and art supplies.

The answer to this is also complicated, but it has less philosophical baggage.  So, here you go ...

  1. Our home church, and a number of individuals faithfully give money towards our life an ministry each month.
  2. Lesley works part time as an administrator in the Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research at Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Cape Town.
  3. Martin goes to lots of auditions, and occasionally gets a role in an ad or some other situation. (Father Christmas for 2 hours on Christmas Day at a restaurant was the most recent!)
  4. Martin sometimes gets illustration opportunities: currently illustrations for an open source ENT manual ...
  5. Other opportunities as they arise ...
Our "real" job?  Our "day job"?
Well, that is another question.

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