At Home

Our house is where we live, but it is also many other things!

There is a library.  The books are for entertainment ... novels, field guides, picture-books, first year text books.  The books are for work ... theology, culture, religion, communication, development ...
The tables are multi-purpose: arts,computers, crafts, food preparation, collections, filing, eating, games, experiments, books ...

There is ALWAYS something being manufactured, concocted or prepared ...
This creates complete chaos, but we love it, and most of our visitors cope, some even enjoy it.

There are usually people ... us, of course, but people come to hang out, tell their stories, ask for help, sleep, work, be with people, use the internet, make a noise, find some quiet, get a hug, stay for a night or a year ...
Even our dogs and our parrot are expected to be hospitable! 

We have fun projects trying to make our space good for the plethora of activities which happen here.  Our prayer is for the Holy Spirit to infuse our home so that every person (or creature) who comes here experiences the touch of God.  Our lounge curtains are the colours of the rainbow ... symbol of the promise of God to all of creation ...