Monday 25 July 2011

Serve Invisibly

Jesus talks a lot about hiddenness. 
There is the seed that is planted, and grows invisibly. 

There are the servants who serve well even when the boss is away.
Treasure, yeast, shepherds, giving, prayer, fasting ...
and of course sparrows, seen by the Father, unseen by people.
Okay ... I KNOW it's a Cape Robin, not a sparrow! 
We have grown into a strong sense of the high value of invisible service, hidden ministry.  Something about the way God has chosen to use us demands the willingness to do things that look as if they don't count, that seem to have no result.  This can be tough going!  It means getting our sense of worth from seeking God, not from doing great deeds for him. (As if he needs me to do anything for him anyway!)  It means finding people to support us who can see the invisible.  It means learning to value things that we have been taught are of no value. 

We know that this doesn't apply to everything, nor to every ministry, but we know just as truly that this is how we must live and work. 

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