Saturday 6 August 2011

preaching tomorrow

After nearly a year without a service, I am preaching tomorrow evening at Claremont Methodist Church.  I am excited (and a little more nervous than usual).  The passage set is from Matthew 14 - involving a boat, lots of wind and water, and Jesus.

I found this awesome (in the everyday sense of this overworked word!) picture of the remains of a boat which was actually in use about the time of Jesus!  It was buried in the ooze at the bottom of Lake Galilee, and thus preserved.  When they dug it up in 1983 they had to work at speed as it started to decompose as soon as exposed to atmosphere.  Then it spent seven years submerged in a chemical bath before it was safe to display it!

The internet is horrible for some things, but how special to be able to find this!  I had much more trouble trying to find out how fast people row in ordinary boats, and ended up having to make assumptions and do calculations, but I think I have a reasonable estimate.

That is only background though, there to help it come alive for people.  The important thing is: Have I understood the passage?  Have I listened to God?

Now to preach it...
            ...and pray for God to use it.

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