Tuesday 9 August 2011

Sunday morning life in the mall ...

Claremont Methodist Church is right on the small urban hub ... it is about 100m from the main entrance of the biggest shopping complex in this hustling satellite of the true city.  While we start church, over the road people are arriving at work and the early coffee shop patrons are collecting their first cappuccino. 

Some people at work are Christians, and wish they could be with us singing and praying and listening to a sermon.  Some of the people physically so close to us are Christians who definitely don't want to be anywhere like church because for them it has been destructive.  But of course many on our doorstep are simply filling their Sunday with activity - books, muffins, clothes, computers, movies ... whatever.  And few of us who venture into the urban maelstrom on Sunday bear any memory of this as a day set aside for spiritual recollection and reflection.

SO ... after church on Sunday morning, some of us gather at vida-e caffe in the thoroughfare of Sunday consumers.  We are companions together in spiritual life in the very place where spiritual life is minimised. 

Ou hope is that the life we acknowledge will bring light.  That being there, together, in Jesus name, will bring him joy, and make space for others to be touched by life too.

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