Thursday 8 September 2011

moonlighting with children

I've mentioned before how we sometimes do things we get paid for which contribute to the finances.  We try to make sure these don't divert us from our core business, either by making us unavailable or because they are at odds with the concept of "serving strangers".

Yesterday Martin spent two hours with a Grade 1 class ...
The theme was SPACE:
There is a book specially created for the occasion called "Zooty the Space Girl".
There were hundreds of cut-out bits of corrugated cardboard which assembled themselves into 28 spaceships.  (Yes, don't come to our house today if you have a problem with millions of tiny offcuts of cardboard box!)
There was great excitement about pretending to float, catch a planet and open it to find ... an imaginary smarty inside!
AND much more ...

These occasional stints at school (two or three a year) are enormous fun for Martin, and totally exhausting!  (How do the grade one teachers do it year after year?)  They also often seem to come when we really need the small financial injection: today we'll be able to pay the French teacher and the cell phones!!  We are grateful for the way God keeps us.  We are also grateful for how much fun our work is.

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