Sunday 21 August 2011

before the 'day' starts

I was here very early this morning.  I saw 'my' coffee shop still curled up asleep.  I watched it stretch and yawn, wash and dress, and start the day.

I saw the supermarket trolleys emerge from the storeroom in a long mobile train ... amazing how they can take a corner, and astonishing how much noise a hundred trolleys makes on a tiled floor! 

I was here to pray.  
Meanwhile my sister wake up 1000km away to this.  God's peace made visible. 

But his peace is everywhere - even behind the counter where the guys are frantically washing mugs, wiping surfaces, steaming milk, "esspressing" coffee, warming muffins, taking orders and generally working like crazy!!

How amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I went this morning again. This time Martin came with me. The guys seemed glad that we had come to pray for them. As they did three weeks ago, they called us when it was about 08.55 and all was ready. Off came the caps, the Roman Catholics crossed themselves, and we prayed. Then they served their first customer ... who said, "That's nice."
