Thursday 22 September 2011

What is it?

When the Israelites saw the food God had sent in the desert they said "What is it?" and that become its name "manna"; we even use the word in English!

A lot of the things we do are like that.  Difficult to describe, impossible to name!  I want to tell you about one of these today; it happened to me twice in the last few days.  But I can't think what to call it. 

I will give some images from what many of my friends irritatingly call "real jobs" - I don't think you guys mean to be cruel, and I know my 'job' is really a vocation, I know I don't get a salary for it, I know no one really wants what I do, I know there is no title for it, I know there is no measurable product ... but

Perhaps I should try the answer "Who wants a real job when you have an authentic, genuine and true whole-life calling to an all-encompassing task of eternal multi-dimensional significance."  Maybe not, it doesn't fit the bill for a catchy reposte to "real job".  Never mind.  I know you are actually (really!) on my side.

Life Coach.  Pastoral Counsellor.  Personal Trainer.  Spiritual Director, Mentor or Companion.  Journey Guide.  Career Guidence.  Alas, what I do is none of these, and all of them.
Martin does a lot of this too; I used to think that this was his gift only, but God seems to think otherwise.  I am never quite sure why it happens, but somehow people come into our lives needing loving listening.  Sometimes they specifically seek me out and I still find this a bit surprising, but it is one of the things that God just does.  Martin spends a lot of time with random strangers talking to him, I'm more often with strangers-who've-become-friends.

So what happens then? 
I listen:  not just to sounds, but to something deeper; not just to the person who I am with, but to Jesus who is with us too.
I ask:  sometimes questions to help me understand better, sometimes questions to help the person who is with me explore more deeply or widely, sometimes it turns out to be a God-question.  Notice how often Jesus asks questions!  He was frustratingly uninclinded to give answers.
I think:  one of my weak-strong-nesses is continuous involuntary fast analysis and synthesis, so I find myself seeing things, unravelling and weaving; sometimes what I see turns out to be God showing something.
I speak:  not advice, I try never to tell people what to do or think; but sometimes I end up picking out good things to show them, or reminding them of past conversations; sometimes what I say turns out to be words or wisdom from God.
I pray:  during the conversation as part of the conversation-with-Jesus that is going on simultaneously, usually with the person before we part or join others; and over the days and weeks following or between conversations.
It is really about loving the people in my life.  I see all of them/you as part of his grace to me.  When he/they/you let me into your space that is grace too.  I have had to learn to hold precious people and moments lightly - some stay in our lives for a long time, some move on when a particular time of need has passed, some are with me for a single conversation.  But God is the one who is actually their life companion, just letting me share his joy.

I don't know what to call it. 

In lots of ways it is nothing that everyone else isn't doing all the time.  I know I am not naturally gifted for it.  I'm not formally qualified for it, though I have had lots of training, done lots of reading and read lots of books.
But God is doing it in me (with me, for me) and I am grateful for this grace.

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