Saturday 24 September 2011

Right Now ... Graffiti and Sudan

Graffiti artists are a tribe ... you've probably never thought of that, unless you are an anthropologist or were at a church youth group in Bellville last night!
Martin is the speaker for a mission weekend, involving a total of six sessions (four today) ...

If you were to attend, you would find out that it is quite possible that the Irish were originally told about Jesus by Berber Africans!  SO ... a Irish missionary telling a Berber about Jesus in North Africa today would be risking their life to give back what was given 16 centuries ago!

You would also be treated to the South Sudan National Anthem ... a new song for an ancient country, with a history of people following Jesus longer than most European countries!

Pray for Martin to communicate lovingly and effectively God's heart for the people of his world!

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