Tuesday 4 October 2011

Serve by Prayer

To pray is to act.
All other actions should arise from prayer.
Please note:  As with all our sharing about the things behind what we do and how we do it, we are not saying that this is how all Christians should work.  We are telling you what we understand of how God has asked US to work!
We are challenged constantly by this aspect of the way God has asked us to serve.  It is counter-intuitive like so much of the Christian life; waiting for ideas and choices to emerge from prayer is different.  Building a life of prayer is one of the hardest things we do; but without this we are not serving in the way God asks us to serve. 

This is much more than praying about choices or activities. 
This is praying as a choice; praying as the primary activity; praying as life and work. 
This street theatre, Easter 2009, was this direct result of prayer.
I am sure you can see the issues rolling in like breakers in a storm.  When, why, how, what, where ... does the prayer happen?  How do you get around to other things?  Surely prayer can't be real action - I mean God surely wants you to DO stuff too?  Yes ... we feel the questions too.  I mean a photo of me sitting here praying is not exactly riveting excitement for people who are hoping God is actually using us to achieve things.  What about proper strategy?  What about being organised?  What about getting things done?  Don't you need to do some pushing, some moving and shaking?  Err ... it is hard to put this gently.  Basically, no.  We have found (through sometimes quite tough experience) that all these excellent approaches to ministry is not the way God uses us. 
But ... Prayer is hard work.  Prayer is not a meaurable-achievement activity.  Prayer demands flexibility.  Prayer is a privilege.  Prayer is adventure.  Prayer is never-knowing-what-will-happen-next.  A very resected colleague of ours once said:

When I work, I work.  When I pray, God works.

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