Sunday 18 December 2011

getting there

slowly ... very slowly.
But we feel cautiously encouraged that the annual renovation of space will be effective. We have worked out what we can aim to complete before Friday, and we hope to contain the remaining mess in two areas (a small office-room and a piece of work-space outside).  We have even managed to completely tick some items off the list - those who know us well will be aware that actual completion often eludes us.
 Lots of sorting of stray stuff has happened, a small amount must still be done this week, but several cubic metres will remain to be dealt with post holiday.  Two huge boxes of stuff went off to the charity shop, and several black bags full departed this life.  Some painting has begun, the water features are being cleaned, and a piece of our back garden is starting to realise more of its potential as a place for work and nurture.

The trouble is, there is a tension between this work and the work of being out in the urban hub.  Tension can be creative, but this just feels tiring!  Still, we trust God to use what we can manage "out there" and what we can achieve "in here". 

We also incidentally have a whole bunch of admin which MUST get done ...
for example, we have sorted out our internet connection (thanks Rory) and written a nasty letter to someone but we still need to sort out our cell phone contracts and Martin's dad's medical accounts, among others!   Of course, we are trying to be good children to Martin's parents next door: his dad came home a week ago tomorrow after his sixth stay in hospital and fourth operation in 2011.

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