Thursday 1 December 2011

taming the chaos

About once a year even we cannot cope anymore with the mess in our house.  The time has come to TRY to tame it.  We are not aiming for a house that looks like yours (stay with me here), just for ... well, maybe piles of stuff that aren't in imminent danger of collapsing on our heads.
Our house is used in lots of different roles (see the "At Home" page in the tabs along the top) and when things get busy we are inclined to move from one thing to the next without much thought (and usually no action) for what has been left behind after whatever we were doing. 

Right now I'm really glad the weather is allowing us to eat in the back yard:  I'm trying to sort out an accumulation of stuff and the dining room table is the place!  We will be making some new shelves as well as repacking old ones, and hopefully supplying Friends of Valkenberg Charity Shop with several large boxes of stock.

We are really bad at housekeeping - it is our ungift, if there is such a thing.  So we need prayer for this - if you are the praying type, we appreciate your help in this!

We hope to come out of this with more space and less tension, without losing the creative serendipity of reasonable mess.  Our house is a place of service, and the most important thing is that it is a space filled with the Holy Spirit.  Our prayer is always for people to experience Jesus here.

We also want to be faithful in making this gift (a beautiful house in a lovely place) something that Jesus can use - for us and everyone else. 

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