Thursday 2 February 2012

Hey! January happened already

We preached at churches: Claremont, Lansdowne, Hanover Park, Ottery, Wynberg ... bottom line, God serves us, strangers to his grace, so we in turn should serve strangers. Martin gave a paper at a Missiological conference in Pretoria....bottom line, Academics should spend some of their time working with those "strangers" who cannot qualify to attend their universities. And Martin got official training to facilitate a grass roots mission training program (Kairos)... bottom line, he can now help his friend Willem Conradie to train people under the university radar in - guess what - serving strangers! A keynote January if ever there was!

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Charis is soldiering on...although contracting glandular fever was a disaster. She has spent an exhausted month, although she has managed also to work on writing a humorous play which is already in production for performance later this year. And she worked on another film shoot for a student movie-maker. She is getting requests for more gigs but thinks that unless they are actual friends they ought to pay her more than pizza.

And Lesley and Martin turned 52 and 53. We had a big party with our Monday crowd on Lesley's birthday, and a small family dinner on Wednesday. And bought each other some books and framing materials :)

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