Thursday 9 February 2012

Meanwhile, Lesley...

Lesley in the recliner chair that has been her office since she fractured a vertebra a year ago

Cheap Plan to Teach the Whole Bible

While Martin has been out there talking about it, Lesley has been assembling a working plan for providing affordable Missions training. Training is expensive because
  • buildings are expensive
  • lecturers need money to live
  • most students in Africa are poor (so what is cheap in "dollar terms" is usually impossible)
So here's the plan...
Coming soon to an internet cafe near to you...
In April 2012...

a modest 3 year rolling course of study of the whole Bible, small scale, multimedia and internet based. And this year we are starting with an 8-week, 64-hour overview/Bible map module.

Accreditation? We'll give participants a certificate to say that they were trained by two mission-crazy academic missionaries. But this is about seeing life through God's eyes, not climbing an academic ladder.

Cost: donations only (i.e. not free, but only what each person can afford = affordable)

Even if we teach two or three people how
to read the whole Bible through missional eyes we will be at least moving towards our deep desire to help people come alive to the wonderful world of the Bible, and the wonderful people beyond our churches.

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