Thursday, 24 May 2012

The week before last I got back on the street!  I took a limited pallette of browns and black & white and sat down on Claremont Main Road opposite the Claremont Mosque - one of the oldest in Cape Town!

I had a great conversation with a woman who has had a narrow brush with losing her sight, and has had a special encounter with God ("I'm not born again or anything" she says)  Two Muslims were very keen that I should paint the WHOLE of the mosque, not just part of it...and we talked history and Islam.

And the whole of the time a young Congolese man watched every stroke of my palette knife...for two hours.  ,He could speak French and I couldn't.  It made me realise that I should perhaps be working at getting enough French to at least approach gospel issues?

I have a two appointments for later in the year to teach my style of evangelistic contact making at churches around Cape Town - which pleases me a great deal!  I don't find many people in Christian circles who feel the same urgency to be out there amongst people who will not ever naturally join us out here!

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