Friday, 25 May 2012

Villiersdorp gets cold at this time of year - up in the mountains, it's one of those places where it gets a cold enough winter for good deciduous fruit.  I was there last weekend on a camp on a fruit farm, doing auxilliary lectures for Discipling Nations, a grass-roots missions training initiative that I am hoping to spend more time on this year
I gave lectures on a range of Serving Strangers concerns: Cross cultural Evangelism; Cross Cultural Church Planting; and Short Term Mission.  The group of about 20 students-of-all-ages was very responsive.  We had good discussions, challenging questions, and I heard many stories of ordinary people involved in heroic efforts on behalf of God's Kingdom

Next nonth I am scheduled to start participating once a week (for 9 weeks) on a Missions Teaching program at a church in Epping - as one of a team of Kairos presenters.  And then I have two more lecture days on Mission topics at Hugenot College (Wellington) and a church in Parrow.  I enjoy this teaching, even though it is always with insiders rather than strangers...perhaps it is more of a case of me being the "stranger who serves" than the one who serves strangers!

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