Friday, 11 January 2013

Books: A gift from the past

Our very good friend and mentor David Alison and his wife Eileen are downsizing their living space - and as a consequence they have given us custodianship of David's wonderful John Wesley Collection.

Hymn books from the 1700s and 1800s; John Wesley's journals and sermons, and scholarly historical and critical books on the subject of John Wesley; Also included are books about people of the time - especially George Whitefield.  THis is a treasure trove no matter what, but since I am just embarking on doctoral studies on Wesleyan evangelism ansd the contemporary church, some of this is material that would be hard to get!  ABsolutely amazing!

Martin dressed as Curator of the Wesley Collection (on shelf and arm!)
David tells me that he has always seen himself as only a curator of these valuable documents - so it falls now to me to curate them for the next twenty years or so...and then look out for the next curator.

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