Sunday, 6 January 2013

Speaking Thai, Painting Claremont

Lesley at the Old Lemonade Factory in Claremont

Just a few reflections on our December art outreach.

It is difficult to quantify the impact of these efforts to relate to those who do not have any further connection with the people of God through us.  But it seems so unfair that our best energies go into being together, and very little energy is left over for simply telling the story.

Because the story is simple to tell.  God made the world around us, and he loves all the people in it.

Martin at work outside Cavendish Square
One day, many years ago in Bethlehem, an extraordianry baby was born.  Watch this life.  Jesus is the most important even to hit this planet.

Lesley and I both feel strongly that our lives should never get so complex that we forget the sheer power of the Story of the life of Jesus.  If God's Word does truly have power, then we must unleash it on the world!

The view through the traffic 
And that is what we did through peaceful presence and imagery this past December.  I would love to teach this skill and approach to many more people in 2013! 

Speaking to a new friend from Ubon Rachathani :)

 It is not about hype or power - it's an exercise in simple availability and faith in the power of the Story of the Godspell. 

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