Wednesday 27 August 2014

Mentoring non-cringe evangelism :)

I have had two very pleasant Monday mornings out in the sun and wind at the harbour at Kalk Bay, teaching theological students how to relate to strangers through the arts - specifically through painting.

The first week was about looking & listening (and not speaking!) - a good rough guide to the best proportions of focus in terms of anthropology and cross-cultural communication in my view ( although 1:4 is probably better than 1:1 :)!)

The second week was about setting up an invitation to conversation rather than competition for attention: drawing - literally at every level - rather than attacking...


We had to cope with a brisk Nor-Wester, but the day was sunny and the experience was encouraging to these gap-year students.  I hope that the lessons learned through experience will help them to apply the rest of their rather heavily doctrinal studies to the realities of interacting with people across many cultural barriers!

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