Monday 4 August 2014

Our friend Charles Davids is in hospital

He is a homeless man who has psychiatric issues, and spends a lot of his time around our home. Over the last few weeks has has suddenly developed heart  issues and finds his sudden ill-health a great puzzle. 

A doctor at a church clinic I took him to estimates his age at about 70; and we have been supervising his daily meds over the last month. But yesterday he started falling a lot and being unable to walk, even to leave our porch.  So we had to call an ambulance for him to take him to Groote Schuur Hospital.

"Is it going to be a big house like this?" he asked.  He finds houses extremely threatening. Now we are anxious because he does not have the mental equipment to cope with this crisis. "Will you come and fetch me?" was his parting comment.

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