Thursday 31 July 2014

Serving Strangers 2014 ministry Portfolio

Report on Serving Strangers 2014-08-01

Tomorrow I have been asked to speak at the Bible Institute of South Africa in Kalk Bay in the Christian Ministries Slot.  The idea is to communicate our unique take on serving God in the contemporary world.  

I thought some of you might be interested in an update of our mission portfolio, so I have just copied and pasted my notes: "to be told with suitable anecdotes" :) And, of course, suitable visual aids: paintings, easel, a skeleton puppet, a wig and a hat.  
“Reaching the World outside the church”
1. Outsiders
a. Saturday Mornings in Claremont: aiming at building relationships and experiencing serendipitous meetings with the church-averse.
b. Back-row pastoring.
c. Creativity evangelism events: Puppets; Mime;
2. Sparrows
a. Mostert Menage: Monday nights – gathering of friends
b. Counselling & mentoring
c. Jesse Art
3. Academics & Training
a. Academic Papers: Making Mission Happen – plotting rhetorical strategies
b. Alpha Research Project – completed. Alpha SA is implementing our recommendations
c. CI Theology of Mission lectures
d. BI Theology of Mission lectures
e. Discipling Nations – grass roots mission training courses & camps
f.   PhD studies – “Evangelism in the Methodist Churches of Cape Town” – aiming at raised profile for discussion of evangelism in Methodist churches, and insights for everyone into evangelism in post-modern & post-colonial South Africa
4. Special events
a. Flamjangled Tea Party, Earthdance  – ministry team to trance parties
b. Discipling Nations trip to Eastern Cape Hospital
c. Bible Reading Weekends
5. Tentmaking
a. UCT part-time work - Lesley
b. Springfield Primary “Birds” project , Life in Bible Times
c. My Friend Ned – TV advertisements & movie gigs
d. Illustration work

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