Sunday 21 September 2014

getting out (a little)

We love the people of the Claremont Urban Hub!
There are so many people; each one is so interesting; every person is so special.
Many of them experience the love of Jesus, and love him and serve him.  We pray for them.
Many of them still wait to hear the good news in a way that they can understand.
The balloon man is sharing the good news with the Hari Krishna man ... how nice that we are not the only people who care!
We pray for people who can't hear the "church" way.  We pray for God to show his love to each person in a way they can receive.

Thank you for praying for us.  We have made small steps in getting back into "Outsiders" ...

See our page on Facebook!  If you like it you'll see it.  If you share it other people will see it too.

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