January/February is nQophitso/Covenant time in Methodist Churches round the world - the core of characteristic of the Methodist-flavour of Christianity is an anual renewal of a covenant with God to do absolutely anything or go absolutely anywhere God wants: to occupy a high status or low status position in the work of His kingdom, and basically commit to his service wherever it might take one.
I had the privilege of attending two covenant services this year - one in Xhosa and one in English. Dress-code for the Xhosa service is highly formal (full suit and tie in the height of a CapeTown summer!). The English service is come-as-you-like. But whatever the packaging, I feel as though I am really locked into the service of the Kingdom of God for 2017 :)
What a blessing to have sensed the deep connection that Covenant Service offers us as Christ-followers in the Wesleyan heritage, across the various styles of worship and customary barriers.