Monday 31 July 2017

5 Ways to Reach Out to African Migrants in Town

1. Have a Friend Who Does it Already :)
Leon Davids spends his Friday Mornings at and around Bellville Station in Cape Town doing a low-key public  Graphic Bible Study using English, Afrikaans, and a Google-education in the language of what I shall refer to as a North African Migrant Culture (NAMC) - a group of more than 30,000 economic migrants who have set up a vibrant NAMC-town in the heart of our city
2. Catch a Train to Bellville
More easily said than done, of course. It involves getting two tickets on two train lines. And - crucially! - making the right transition from one to the other. I was only alerrted to the fact that I was heading to Khayelitsha instead of Bellville by a friendly co-passenger, who helped me to change at Ysterplaat and get onto a through-train..
3. Take a Talent
It took me years to realise that God wants us to use what we have in evangelism, not what we think we should have. In the last decade or two I have been increasingly happy to see how my capacity to do art has helped people understand the Gospel. And not as a frills-on-the-the-side prettying of a verbal message, but as the core channel for communication

4. Tell the Story
Leon was having a day out themed around the parable of the fig tree that gets a second chance to bear fruit in Luke 13. I illustrated that tree, along with an agrieved owner and a pleading gardener, and was able to tell the story dozens of times to many people. Meanwhile Leon was doing his thing on the other side of the dust-bin, playing NAMC songs and a recording of the passage in the NAMC language. Imperfect? Absolutely. Better than ignoring the fact of the presence of these  lovely people in our country? Without question. Effective? The Word does its work if only we let it out of its cultural cage. This is not a spiritual-law-based theological approach, and neither is it a vituperative-assault-based approach. Jesus never taught without a parable (Mark 4:34, Matthew 13:34), so I guess that this is the real "way of the master" :)
5. Invite Others to Join In
Any takers? Do you have an otherwise unreachable NAMC people group in mind that you can reach for the cost of train tickets rather than plane tickets? Leon and I, and our NGO Discipling Nations would be happy to assist you in training and friendship. Cape Town could be a truly lifechanging destination for the nations

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