Saturday, 29 February 2020

Puppets on Ice

My latest puppet is a donkey with attitude...he's intended for a spirited performance of the parable of the Good Samaritan (“No don't take my SCARF!” *thwak!thwak!* “I WILL take your scarf"). But it's having to wait. I have been telling parables using puppets amongst refugees camping around Central Methodist Church on Greenmarket Square. Now I have been asked to cease and desist for fear of jinxing  peace negotiations. I am not sure how telling Gospel stories puts a negotiated settlement in jeopardy, and nobody is articulating any actual reasons. But for now I am limiting myself to praying from a coffee shop table on the square. Where I am also writing this.

Just to be clear. I have not been doing anything for the 500 women and children controlled by the Inside-the-church gang. They asked me to preach on my initial visit but I made the mistake of asking for permission from the minister. I was immediately banned from doing anything inside the building...which I have reluctantly obeyed. The building has become a contested site between gang 1, gang 2, and the MCSA, although at the moment the church has lost all grip on the situation. Nobody is treating me as a legitimately concerned party, and so nobody is giving me any data. Or asking me for any insights for that matter. It seems as if the church has just given up until the city clears the refugees out for them. There is no sense that when we loose control and power we still have one power left...the authority to tell a simple story, in weakness against strength and in hope against hope.
refugee bedding stashed in a tree for the day
at Greenmarket Square

But I have being asking permission from the gang 2 leadership (who control about 200 refugees camped outside the church) and being given leave to tell my stories to anyone on the pavements who want to listen. I have a constitutional right to tell stories on pavements, a right which I have tested against wave after wave of officious security personnel down the years - but at present there is a different sherrif in that part of town and I have to get his permission :( . However, now the District Executive of the MCSA has been persuaded by the minister of the church to tell me to stop doing even that. So we are back to where I started. People are struggling for existence in and around a Church building and the one thing the church will not countenance is a fat old man with a big beard telling the ridiculous stories of a famous rabbi using a cast of silly puppets.

I know that the church is the best that Jesus has been able to get so far. But sometimes I get really depressed being part of it

There. A small child has just waved at me in shy recognition. I've had to tell them the church doesn't want me to tell my stories any more.

As donkey would say, “HEE HAW"

1 comment:

  1. It's always challenging when what you believe God is telling you to do is at odds with what the church is telling you to do.
