Wednesday, 30 May 2012

all-age Bible study!

Lesley was in action again last night, doing one of her periodic Bible Study refresher courses - this time with a carpet sized buid-it-together graphic that had us all entranced - even those of us who have been refreshered several times over the years.  It was a truly all-age event.

 Lesley's great passion in life is to help people to read the Bible and understand what they are reading, and she has a really practical, insight generating way of teaching the subject.  "You don't need to be a top-end theologian to understand God's Word, she says. Just read the page in front of you and expect God to speak to you by using the ordinary rules of common sense."

The movement from reading, through asking questions of the text at different levels, always leaves us with in-depth challenges to the way we live our lives.  No need for a concordance or an expert, so long as we believe God can simply speak to us through his written word.

This is one of Lesley's happiest tasks, so if you know of any group that's feeling as though they are being kept outside the Bible because they are not confident to study it for on Serving Strangers and we'll send along our expert!

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