Sunday, 19 January 2014

Lesley's brother has died

Yesterday, at 0515, Lesley's brother Dan died.  He was 64, and had had a terrible struggle with a particularly cruel cancer, a nerve sheath sarcoma located around his lower back.

THis has been a uniquely stressful time for his siblings and children, his wife and everyone who knew him.  A rather complex set of complexities.

Lesley and I had the privilege of speaking with him closely about Jesus, singing and reading scripture, and praying with him over the last few months.  Lesley in particular had a very close conversation with him last week about  faith and death and dying.

Dan had wanted me to do a portrait of him, but I have only had the heart to do some rough sketches - heartbreakingly showing all to clearly the lines of pain and disease.  Rest in Peace, Dan.

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