Wednesday, 16 April 2014

We are spending time each afternoon this week on the street near Cavendish Square (the big trendy shopping centre 100m from our church for those who are not local).

Our theme this year is "the stations of the cross", and I am painting a crucifixion scene. Yesterday Louis, one of my students from BI (one of the colleges I teach at), came along to paint as well - it was quite a privilege to introduce somebody to the craft of street-painting.

The conversations with curious onlookers have ranged from deeply spiritual to superficial, from technical art to technical torture (dynamics of crucifixion).  Men, women, children.  A poet, a dancer, a photographer and several quiet smokers. The great pleasure is that every time somebody takes the trouble to look at what is being painted receive and retain, inexorably, an image of Christ crucified - always worth putting out there in a smothering welter of bunny, egg and chocolate images that threaten to drown the stark but wonderful realities of Easter

1 comment:

  1. So happy you're out on the street doing your secret Christ thing for curious onlookers!
