Saturday 31 May 2014

Discipling Nations

Martin has been working several awesome people since Willem Conradie started an organisation several years ago.  It is called "Discipling Nations" and the aim is to offer training in cross-cultural missions at a grassroots level.  People who can't afford training in churches that can't afford big-time sending meet together weekly for a few months.  At the end of the course there is a weekend conference - often with several groups together.

These conferences are lots of fun and totally exhausting.  They are held on a beautiful apple farm in the mountains.  The owners have built a special mini conference centre for Christian groups to use.

What they are doing in the training is gradually evolving.  They have been using some material from franchised courses. But they also give their own lectures.  These are gradually developing as the cover more topics.  Martin often get the job of sorting out other people's PowerPoint presentations because he does really good ones.

Now they are at the place where they want to take the next step in development of the unique "Discipling Nations" material.  It is our winter break for colleges so there are no courses at the moment.  Martin is spending this time tasked with organising the material into a more harmonised form, and producing a work book for the weekend conferences.  From there they hope to begin to be less dependent on the franchised course.

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