Sunday 25 May 2014

list of projects

I thought I would try to do a series of posts on the projects currently running in the Serving Strangers portfolio.  I'm not sure how I'll get on (see today's earlier post) but here is a list to start with:
Te staircase in the Chemical Engineering Building, UCT, where Lesley works in the mornings.

Limited duration projects
Lecturing mission at Cornerstone Institute (Martin) current semester
Lecturing Theology of Mission at Bible Institute (Martin) current semester
Lecturing honours mission module at Bible Institute (Martin) current semester
Leading course on studying the Bible at Claremont Methodist Church (Lesley) current quarter

Periodic projects
Lecturing at Discipling Nations courses (Martin)
"Outsiders" blog for those who are interested in spiritual things but don't do church (Lesley)
Christmas play for disabled people in Rosedon House "Friends" Bible study group (Martin)
Making ends meet by various projects for a junior school (Martin)

Ongoing projects
"Sparrows" ad hoc counselling and coaching (both)
"Outsiders" urban spiritual life beyond the church doors in the Claremont Urban Hub (both)
Preaching in churches in the same group with Claremont Methodist Church
"Mostert Menage" open house for supper and conversation
Making ends meet doing admin at UCT weekday mornings (Lesley)

There may be some I have forgotten ... but that gives you an idea to go on with!

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