Saturday 7 June 2014

the Bible Doesn't Bite

Lesley is teaching the Bible

No surprises there...this has got to be close to her heartland in terms of subject matter!

Her current project is a seven week gig at Claremont Methodist Church, teaching half a dozen people how to do inductive Bible study for an hour every Wednesday evening. It's part of the open-church policy of our minister, Dave Howard, and it is great to be involved in the general teaching/discipleship ministry of the church like this.

Lesley has a unique multi-media program, with a walk-through floor diagram and interactive notes. She drills her class into reading the actual text, not drawing in concepts from other parts of the Bible.  This is not to deny the importance of comparing different parts of the Bible, but to discipline us into focusing on what the Author has to say in each particular part, so as not to miss some important data because we are distracted by something else that catches our fancy. A tendency which often leads people to avoid the deepest challenges in favour of a well-worn familiar round of what Brueggemann would call "flattened interpretation"

As Lesley says, inductive Bible study is vital because  "it helps us to focus on what the Bible is asking us, and prevents us from telling the Bible what we want it to say to us".

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