[this is a follow-up on a blog I posted last July: "5 ways to reach African migrants in Town"]
There are LOTS of North African people living around Bellville Station in Cape Town! Lots and lots and lots of little hole-in-the-wall shops with cloth or general ware or coffee or meals for sale - the pavements are packed with people and the general overflow of little shops, and every place that can fit a pavement stall has a pavement stall. Sandwich-board women hustle for gold for cash. Young people hand out advertisements for super-powered shamans who can cure an eye popping range of sexual and emotional and business ailments. The Signage is mostly in Roman lettering, but every now and then there's some Amharic. can anyone translate this for me? I didn't want to take a photograph so I just made a little note on the edge of my story board.
My friend and Discipling Nations collaborator Leon is still spending time, money and infinite pains on trying to bring the gospel within hearing distance of these visitors from another part of our continent. He doesn't enjoy a lot of open acceptance, but there are a few signs that wistful people within the dominant and exclusive culture bloc there would like to know a little more. So, week by week, a little more is said, a little more is portrayed. I have decided to visit there once a month and do my storyboard conversations. Leon is working his way through the highlights of the Bible so last Friday I painted the first section of the Noah story from Genesis 6
We'll gradually work our way through the Bible and see what effect the word of God has in this most unlikely of soils. The birds, boulders and brambles might swallow up every single seed, but then again, even fertile soil can only produce weeds if no seeds are actually sown!
As Discipling Nations this is by way of being a pilot project. We are very interested in helping all local churches to look around their localities to see if God has not perhaps brought some interesting "unreachable" group from elsewhere in the world into their orbit - and of course we are interested in providing training to local churches in taking up the challenge of reaching out meaningfully to such people too.
I can recommend story-boarding...people love discussing a picture!
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