Monday, 1 July 2019

Gandparents on the Road!

Joanna, our Daughter, and her husband, Adam, have produced a Grandchild - Sophie Sisipho Reynolds! Now we have to work out how to be grandparents :)

We recently spent three weeks with them in their little hexagon-house deep in the rural Eastern Cape. We are very proud of their life choices, as they intentionally live among people of a different culture, learning language by the seat of their pants as they share life on a little homestead with a Xhosa family, and their sheep, chickens, pigs, dog, and cat. Their work is with NGOs that aim to bring up the standard and possibilities of education, for which they have given up good jobs in Cape Town.

It was lovely sharing their life for a bit - as they settle into life with a new baby. We cuddled Sophie Sisipho as often as we could, helped a bit with chores and handiperson projects (including a solar oven), and enjoyed life on the farm. It was lambing season, so the little flock grew day by day.

When we were reluctantly packing our car to come back to Cape  the granny of the homestead gave us a live chicken in a sack. She said "I see that you are so good at making things - so take this chicken, build a coop, and you can have an egg every day". So now we are egg farmers :)

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